Wednesday, November 21, 2007

NuWave Oven - Thanksgiving Recipe

If you are in a hurry, go read my Nuwave Oven review or go straight to Nuwave Oven order page!

Ok so seem like it is time for thanksgiving! With Nuwave Oven, you will be suprised with how delicious the turkeys turn out. OK here's the instruction from
"Start cooking the turkey breast side down for the first half of the cooking process. When you flip the turkey breast side up, the insides should be thawed enough to remove the giblets".

Chritsmas will be around the corner soon! We suggest that you bake cookies with Nuwave oven. Another excellent suggestion from
"It is very easy to do; just place your cookies right on the liner pan, bake according to directions, when the timer goes off, simply use your 4 inch cooking rack on the side as a cooling rack. Your cookies will come perfect every time. Now you do not have to worry about forgetting to turn off the oven when you are on the last batch of cookies or wasting any extra energy every time you need to open the oven door to check on your cookies."

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